
Model for Generation of Profiles for Persons with Disabilities in e-Learning Environments




Education is a fundamental human right recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Current e-Learning environments enable education at large scale with reduced costs. Unfortunately, persons with disabilities (PWD) experience barriers to access these platforms and the educational resources they host. To contribute with solving this problem, this study presents a model for the generation of profiles for PWD in e-Learning environments. The model proposed in this study allows registering accessibility needs and preferences regarding the use of different sensory modes for the perception and understanding of information depending on the current life situation of the PWD. The model is based on the specification IMS Access for All 3.0 PNP and the standard ISO/IEC 24751-2. The validation of the model was carried out with a high-fidelity functional prototype that was tested with automated tools and by users with blindness, low vision and color blindness.
机译:教育是在世界人权宣言中承认的基本人权权利。 目前的电子学习环境以降低成本,以大规模实现教育。 不幸的是,残疾人(PWD)经历访问这些平台的障碍和他们主持的教育资源。 为了解决这个问题,本研究提出了一种模型,用于在电子学习环境中为PWD生成配置文件。 本研究中提出的模型允许在根据PWD的当前寿命情况的情况下,对关于信息的感知和理解的感知和理解使用不同的感觉模式来注册访问的可访问性需求和偏好。 该模型基于所有3.0 PNP和标准ISO / IEC 24751-2的规范IMS访问。 模型的验证是用高保真功能原型进行的,用自动化工具和失明,低视力和色盲的用户测试。



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