
Evolution and origin of Blue Stragglers in 47 Tucanae

机译:47 Tucanae的蓝色摔跤运动员的演变和起源



Using data from the core of 47 Tuc we have identified stars in different evolutionary stages in the colour-magnitude diagram, and used the effects of mass segregation on their radial distribution to study the evolution and origin of blue stragglers (BSS). We separate the BSS into 2 samples by their magnitude and find considerable differences in their distribution. Bright BSS are more centrally concentrated with mass estimates over twice the turn-off mass suggesting an origin involving a triple or multiple star system. The distribution of the faint BSS is close to that of the main-sequence (MS) binaries pointing to these stars as their likely progenitors. Using MESA models, we calculate the expected number of stars in each evolutionary stage and compare it with the observed number of stars. Results indicate that BSS have a post-MS evolution comparable to that of a normal star of the same mass and a MS-BSS lifetime of about 200 - 300 Myr.
机译:使用来自47 TUC的核心的数据我们已经确定了颜色幅度图中不同的进化阶段的恒星,并利用了质量偏析对径向分布的影响,以研究蓝色椎管(BSS)的进化和起源。 我们将BSS分成2个样本,并在其分布中找到相当大的差异。 明亮的BSS更集中,质量估计超过两倍的关闭块,表明涉及三重或多星系系统的原点。 微弱BS的分布接近指向这些恒星的主要序列(MS)二进制文件的分布,作为其可能的祖细胞。 使用MESA模型,我们计算每个进化阶段的预期恒星数,并将其与观察到的恒星进行比较。 结果表明,BSS具有与相同质量的正常恒星的后毫秒的演变和约200-300 myR的MS-BSS寿命。



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