
Accretion in common envelope evolution




Common envelope evolution (CEE) occurs in some binary systems involving asymptotic giant branch (AGB) or red giant branch (RGB) stars, and understanding this process is crucial for understanding the origins of various transient phenomena. CEE has been shown to be highly asymmetrical and global 3D simulations are needed to help understand the dynamics. We perform and analyze hydrodynamic CEE simulations with the adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) code AstroBEAR, and focus on the role of accretion onto the companion star. We bracket the range of accretion rates by comparing a model that removes mass and pressure using a sub-grid accretion prescription with one that does not. Provided a pressure-release valve, such as a bipolar jet, is available, super-Eddington accretion could be common. Finally, we summarize new results pertaining to the energy budget, and discuss the overall implications relating to the feasibility of unbinding the envelope in CEE simulations.
机译:常见的包络演变(CEE)发生在涉及渐近巨型分支(AGB)或红巨头分支(RGB)星的一些二元系统中,并且了解这一过程对于了解各种瞬态现象的起源至关重要。 CEE已被证明是高度不对称的,并且需要全局3D模拟来帮助理解动态。 我们用自适应网格细化(AMR)代码astrobear来执行和分析流体动力CEE模拟,并专注于吸收到伴星的角色。 通过比较使用不具有的子网格增值处方,通过比较使用亚网和压力的模型来支架增速率的范围。 提供了一种压力释放阀,例如双极射流,可用,超级埃丁顿accretion可能是常见的。 最后,我们总结了与能源预算有关的新结果,并讨论了与消除CEE模拟中的封闭信封的可行性有关的总体影响。



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