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Realistic Survey and Development Trend Analysis of the Integration of Information Technology and Ideological and Political Course




The integration of information technology and ideological and political courses is essentially a cross-border integration and a new ecology evolved from the integration of different paradigms, which has become a hot spot in academic research. By combing and summarizing the research results of the integration of information technology and ideological and political courses in recent years, it is found that the research focuses on three levels: connotation interpretation, the dilemma and way out of integration, and the significance of integration, and has achieved certain research results, but there are also some problems. On the basis of deep reflection, this paper constructs a development framework to lead future research.
机译:信息技术和思想政治课程的整合基本上是一种跨境整合,并从不同范式的整合演变出来的新生态,这已成为学术研究中的热点。 通过梳理和总结近年来信息技术与思想政治课程的整合研究结果,研究了研究侧重于三级:内涵解释,困境和融合的方式,以及整合的重要性, 并取得了某些研究结果,但也有一些问题。 在深度反思的基础上,本文构建了引领未来研究的发展框架。



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