首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Art and Arts Education >Existence of The Bungo Offering Dance in Welcoming Guests at Bungo Regency Jambi Province

Existence of The Bungo Offering Dance in Welcoming Guests at Bungo Regency Jambi Province




The research is aimed to describe the existence of the Bungo offering Dance in welcoming guests in Bungo regency, the province of Jambi. The particular research used a qualitative approach. The object of this research was the existence of the Bungo Offering Dance in welcoming guests in Bungo regency, the province of Jambi. Source of data obtained from Mr. Ismail Mahmud as the creator of the Bungo offering Dance, Mr. Syarifudin as the Head of Culture in the office of education and culture in Bungo Regency, Mr. Muhamudi as the head of UPTD (Technical Management Unit Areas) culture at the Department of education and culture Pelepat Ilir district in Bungo regency, Mr Suhaimi Ally as chief of the custom Pelepat ilir district in Bungo Regency, Mrs. Nani Maemunah as Teachers of art and culture of the Bungo Offering Dance in SMAN 1 Pelepat ilir in Bungo Regency, Mrs. Aida Maria as a teacher of art and culture in SMAN 2 Pelepat ilir district in Bungo Regency, Anindyta Laila Amalia as the dancers of the Bungo Offering dance. Method of data collection was done through observation, interviews, and documentation. The validity of the data obtained through triangulation of data and triangulation of the source. Data analysis technique were started from data collection, data reduction, data display and drawing conclusions. The research results showed that the existences of the Bungo Offering Dance are as follows: (1) the existence of the Bungo Offering Dance begins with the birth of Sekapur Sirih Dance, (2) the existence of the Bungo Offering Dance began to increase in 2011, (4) the Bungo Offering Dance has its own unique characteristics that is performed with a standing position and use selokoh (Selokoh is an expression containing the moral message or local wisdom), and (5) the Bungo Offering Dance have been very popular and loved by people in Bungo regency, the province of Jambi.
机译:该研究旨在描述詹姆比省锦里戈丽晶的欢迎客人的舞蹈舞蹈的存在。特定的研究使用了定性方法。该研究的目的是在吉比省的锦里戈丽晶的欢迎客人中提供舞池的存在。从Ismail Mahmud先生获得的数据来源是Bungo提供舞蹈的创造者,Syarifudin先生作为Bungo Regency教育和文化办公室的文化主管,Muhamudi先生作为UPTD的负责人(技术管理单位领域)在教育和文化系Pelepat Ilir区的文化,苏格尼尔·伊利尔·伊利尔·萨利先生担任锦里戈·丽晶区的定制Pelepat Ilir区主任,纳西马蒙娜夫人是艺术和文化的艺术和文化,在Sman 1 Pelepat中提供舞蹈舞蹈。伊利尔在锦里戈丽晶,Aida Maria夫人是Sman 2 Pelepat Ilir区的艺术和文化教师,尼尔·洛纳·阿米利亚Amalia为舞台的舞蹈演员提供舞蹈。通过观察,访谈和文件进行数据收集方法。通过源的数据的三角测量获得的数据的有效性。数据分析技术从数据收集,数据减少,数据显示和绘图结论开始。研究结果表明,Bungo提供的舞蹈的存在如下:(1)Bungo提供舞蹈的存在始于Sekapur Sirih舞蹈的诞生,(2)2011年的Bungo提供的舞蹈的存在开始增加,(4)Bungo提供的舞蹈有自己独特的特征,具有站立位置,并使用Selokoh(Selokoh是一个含有道德信息或当地智慧的表达),(5)Bungo提供的舞蹈一直非常受欢迎被锦里省的锦里戈丽晶的人所爱。



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