首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Education Innovation and Social Science >Cultivating Innovative Entrepreneurial Ability of Computer Majors Students in Local Colleges and Universities - Three-Stages Incentive Iteration Method

Cultivating Innovative Entrepreneurial Ability of Computer Majors Students in Local Colleges and Universities - Three-Stages Incentive Iteration Method

机译:培养计算机专业学生在地方高校的创新与企业能力 - 三阶段激励迭代方法



Aiming at the construction of innovation and entrepreneurial team of college students, this paper proposes to train the innovation and entrepreneurial ability of college students based on the project-driven "Three-Stages Incentive Iteration Method". It divides college students' in-school time into three stages: early stage, middle stage and later stage, corresponding to three goals and tasks such as stimulating innovation and entrepreneurial consciousness, training innovation and entrepreneurial ability, and practicing innovation and entrepreneurial projects, and form a gain iterative loop so as to constantly stimulate college students to keep innovation and entrepreneurial passion as well as constantly improve their abilities.



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