首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Physics and its Applications >Toward Tsunami Early Warning System in Indonesia by Using Rapid Rupture Durations Estimation

Toward Tsunami Early Warning System in Indonesia by Using Rapid Rupture Durations Estimation




Indonesia has Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (Ina-TEWS) since 2008. The Ina-TEWS has used automatic processing on hypocenter; Mwp, Mw (mB) and Mj. If earthquake occurred in Ocean, depth < 70 km and magnitude > 7, then Ina-TEWS announce early warning that the earthquake can generate tsunami. However, the announcement of the Ina-TEWS is still not accuracy. Purposes of this research are to estimate earthquake rupture duration of large Indonesia earthquakes that occurred in Indian Ocean, Java, Timor sea, Banda sea, Arafura sea and Pasific ocean. We analyzed at least 330 vertical seismogram recorded by IRIS-DMC network using a direct procedure for rapid assessment of earthquake tsunami potential using simple measures on P-wave vertical seismograms on the velocity records, and the likelihood that the high-frequency, apparent rupture duration, T_(dur). T_(dur) can be related to the critical parameters rupture length (L), depth (z), and shear modulus (μ) while T_(dur) may be related to wide (W), slip (D), z or μ. Our analysis shows that the rupture duration has a stronger influence to generate tsunami than Mw and depth. The rupture duration gives more information on tsunami impact, Mo/μ, depth and size than Mw and other currently used discriminants. We show more information which known from the rupture durations. The longer rupture duration, the shallower source of the earthquake. For rupture duration greater than 50 s, the depth less than 50 km, Mw greater than 7, the longer rupture length, because T_(dur) is proportional L and greater Mo/μ. Because Mo/μ is proportional L. So, with rupture duration information can be known information of the four parameters. We also suggest that tsunami potential is not directly related to the faulting type of source and for events that have rupture duration greater than 50 s, the earthquakes generated tsunami. With available real-time seismogram data, rapid calculation, rupture duration discriminant can be completed within 4-5 min after an earthquake occurs and thus can aid in effective, accuracy and reliable tsunami early warning for Indonesia region.
机译:印度尼西亚自2008年以来拥有印度尼西亚海啸预警系统(INA-TEWS)。INA-TEWS使用自动加工在低速度; MWP,MW(MB)和MJ。如果海洋发生地震,深度<70公里和幅度> 7,那么Ina-Tews宣布了早期的警告,地震会产生海啸。但是,Ina-Tews的宣布仍然不准确。本研究的目的是估算印度洋,Java,Timor海,班达海,阿拉弗拉海和毒品中发生的大型印度尼西亚地震的地震破裂持续时间。我们使用直接程序分析了虹膜DMC网络记录的至少330个垂直地震图,用于使用简单测量对速度记录对P波垂直地震图的简单测量来快速评估地震海啸潜力,以及高频,表观破裂持续时间的可能性,t_(dur)。 t_(dur)可以与关键参数破裂长度(l),深度(z)和剪切模量(μ)有关,而t_(dur)可以与宽(w),滑动(d),z或μ相关。我们的分析表明,破裂的持续时间对产生海啸而不是MW和深度的影响力更强。破裂持续时间提供关于海啸影响,Mo /μ,深度和大小的更多信息,而不是MW和其他当前使用的判别。我们展示了从破裂持续时间内知道的更多信息。持续时间较长,地震较浅的地震来源。对于大于50秒的破裂持续时间,深度小于50 km,mw大于7,破裂长度越长,因为t_(dur)是比例L和更大的mo /μ。因为Mo /μ是比例L.所以,具有破裂持续时间信息,可以是四个参数的已知信息。我们还建议海啸潜力与源的故障类型和具有大于50秒的破裂的事件直接相关,地震产生了海啸。通过可用的实时地图数据,快速计算,破裂持续时间判别可以在发生地震发生后4-5分钟内完成,因此可以帮助印度尼西亚地区的有效,准确性和可靠的海啸预警。



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