
Hamilton Airshed Modelling System




The Hamilton Airshed Modelling System (HAMS) was developed to provide a platform to better understand the processes and contributions to Hamilton’s air quality and to inform future policy and human health impact decisions. As air quality in an urban airshed is influenced by many factors including local, regional and transboundary sources, as well as by the geographical features and prevailing meteorological conditions, the CMAQ-WRF-SMOKE regional modeling platform was selected. This airshed modelling system can handle various types of emission sources and profiles as well as the transportation, dispersion and chemical reactions of contaminates in a complex geographic area to achieve realistic simulations of air quality. The air quality in the Hamilton Region was modelled by tracking the emission, dispersion and chemical transformation of twenty selected contaminants in the airshed, with a focus on NOX, SO2, O3 and particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10). Emphasis was also placed on benzene and benzo(a)pyrene (B[a]P) for health and regulatory reasons. The modelling is completed using four levels of nested spatial grids, providing both regional and local contributions to the air quality. The Hamilton airshed is part of the larger southern Ontario airshed, with in-fluences from both south-western Ontario and the United States. The influences each have different emission profiles with respect to contaminants, quantity of emissions, and types of sources (e.g., stacks, roadways, area), as well as the specific location of the sources.
机译:汉密尔顿空气流域模型系统(HAMS)的开发提供了一个平台,以更好地了解流程和贡献汉密尔顿的空气质量,并告知未来的政策和人类健康影响的决定。作为城市气域空气质量受许多因素影响,包括地方,区域和跨国界人士,以及由地域特点和当时的气象条件的影响,选择了CMAQ-WRF-SMOKE区域建模平台。此气域建模系统可以处理各种类型的发射源和型材以及运输,分散和污染物的化学反应在一个复杂的地理区域,以实现空气质量的逼真的模拟。在哈密尔顿区域中的空气质量通过跟踪在气域20级中选择的污染物排放量,分散性和化学转化,重点是氮氧化物,二氧化硫,O3和颗粒物质(PM2.5和PM10)建模。此外还强调对健康和监管的原因苯和苯并(a)芘(B [a]芘)。该模型是使用四个级别嵌套空间网格,提供对空气质量区域和地方的贡献完成。汉密尔顿气域是安大略省南部较大的一部分气域,从西南安大略省和美国都在-通量。每个的影响具有不同的发射简档相对于污染物排放量,和类型的源(例如,堆栈,道路,面积),以及信源的具体位置。



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