首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture Research >Effect of feeding frequency on growth, survival and feed utilization in fingerlings of Catla catla (Hamilton), Labeo rohita (Hamilton) and Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton) in outdoor rearing systems.

Effect of feeding frequency on growth, survival and feed utilization in fingerlings of Catla catla (Hamilton), Labeo rohita (Hamilton) and Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton) in outdoor rearing systems.

机译:饲喂频率对室外饲养系统中Catla catla(Hamilton),Labeo rohita(Hamilton)和Cirrhinus mrigala(Hamilton)的鱼种生长,存活和饲料利用率的影响。

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Fingerling rearing of Indian major carps, Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Cirrhinus mrigala, were conducted in concrete tanks under a polyculture system at a density of 0.3 million fry ha-1 to evaluate the effect of one, two or three feedings per day on growth, survival and feed utilization. Fry were fed with formulated supplementary diet at 10% of biomass per day during the first 15 days, followed by 8% in the next 15 days and 6% thereafter, for 60 days. Feeding of fish three times daily led to higher growth (103.9+or-8.5 mm/10.3+or-2.4 g) than those feeding twice (100.2+or-4.8 mm/9.9+or-1.5 g) or once (97.2+or-9.8 mm/9.4+or-2.1 g) daily, although the values were not significantly different (P>0.05). Survival rate ranging between 72.3% and 75.1% also did not vary significantly (P>0.05) among the treatments. However, higher feeding frequencies resulted in better feed utilization as evident from decreasing feed conversion ratio values. The present study suggested requirement of a higher feeding frequency for rohu compared with catla and mrigal..
机译:在混养系统下,在混凝土罐中以30万苗ha-1的密度在混凝土罐中进行印度主要鲤鱼Catla catla,Labeo rohita和Cirrhinus mrigala的鱼种饲养,以评估每天一次,两次或三次饲喂对生长的影响,存活率和饲料利用率。在最初的15天中,以每天10%的生物量每天向配方鱼中补充配方饲料,然后在接下来的15天中以8%的时间,然后在6%的时间内持续60天。每天饲喂三次鱼比两次饲喂(100.2+或-4.8 mm / 9.9 +或-1.5 g)或饲喂一次(97.2+或-1.5g)的鱼(103.9+或-8.5 mm / 10.3 +或-2.4 g)有更高的生长每天-9.8 mm / 9.4 +或-2.1 g),尽管该值无显着差异(P> 0.05)。治疗之间的存活率在72.3%和75.1%之间也没有显着差异(P> 0.05)。但是,较高的饲喂频率可提高饲料利用率,这可从降低饲料转化率值中看出。目前的研究表明,与卡塔拉和桑格里尔相比,红花hu需要更高的饲养频率。



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