首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education >The Use of Politeness Principle in Teachers' Directive Speech Acts on Teaching and Learning Process at SMA Negeri 5 Merangin Jambi Province

The Use of Politeness Principle in Teachers' Directive Speech Acts on Teaching and Learning Process at SMA Negeri 5 Merangin Jambi Province

机译:教师指导言论的礼貌原则在SMA Negeri 5 Merangin Jambi省的教学和学习过程中的用途



This study was aimed to (1) explain the type of teacher's directive speech acts, (2) the context of the situation in the teacher's directive speech acts, and (3) the principle of politeness in teachers' directive speech acts on teaching and learning process at SMA Negeri 5 Merangin Jambi Province. Data in the form of speech acts directive teachers collected by way of recorded and observed. The result of the research showed that 1) the type of speech act directive done by the teacher is asking, pleading, demanding, suggesting and challenging, (2) Situation context in speech acts teacher directive are grouped into four, (a) situation context, insensitive topic and noisy atmosphere (-S, +R); (b) situation context, topic insensitive and not noisy atmosphere (-S, -R); (c) situation context of sensitive topic and noisy atmosphere (+S, +R); and (d) situation context, sensitive topics and not noisy atmosphere (+S, -R). (3) the principle of politeness that teachers use is the tact maxim, aprobation maxim, agreement maxim, and sympath maxim.
机译:本研究旨在(1)解释教师指令致辞行为的类型,(2)教师指令致辞行为的情况的背景,(3)教师指令言论的礼貌原则是教学和学习的行为SMA NEGERI 5 MERANGIN JAMBI省的过程。以言语行为的形式的数据通过记录和观察的方式收集的指示教师。研究结果表明,1)由教师完成的言语行为的类型要求,恳求,苛刻,建议和具有挑战性,(2)言语行为教师指令中的情况指令被分为四个,(a)情况,不敏感的主题和嘈杂的气氛(-s,+ r); (b)情况背景,主题不敏感,而不是嘈杂的氛围(-s,-R); (c)敏感主题和嘈杂的氛围的情况(+ s,+ r); (d)情况上下文,敏感主题,而不是嘈杂的氛围(+ s,-r)。 (3)教师使用的礼貌原则是Tact Maxim,Aprobation Maxim,协议Maxim和Sympath Maxim。



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