首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education >Educational Values In Hujan By Tere Liye As A Literary Teaching Material In Senior High School

Educational Values In Hujan By Tere Liye As A Literary Teaching Material In Senior High School

机译:Tere Liye的教育价值在高中时代李耶作为文学教材



This study aimed to gain a deep understanding towards the values of education in Tere Liye's novel, Hujan. The source of research data was a novel by Tere Liye, Hujan. The data of the research were educational values contained in the novel. Descriptive qualitative used as the method of the research. The study found that Tere Liye's novel Hujan reflects the educational values for his readers: first, the moral value of education: always help, perseverance, and responsibility. Second, the value of social education: humanity, caring, and empathy. Third, the value of cultural education: mutual cooperation, obedient rules, and mutual respect. It was suggested that Tere Liye's Hujan can be selected as an alternative to literary teaching materials in high school.
机译:本研究旨在深入了解Tere Liye小说的教育价值,Hujan。研究数据来源是一部小说由李济,惠国。该研究的数据是小说中包含的教育价值。描述性定性用作研究方法。该研究发现,李莉的小说惠主反映了他读者的教育价值:第一,教育的道德价值:始终帮助,坚持不懈,责任。二是社会教育的价值:人性,关怀和同理心。三是文化教育的价值:相互合作,遵守规则和相互尊重。有人建议,Tere Liye的Hujan可以被选为高中文学教材的替代品。



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