首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Architecture: Heritage, Traditions and Innovations >The Struggle for the Historicity of Research Methods in 1960s-1980s and the Role of 'Drevnerusskoe Iskusstvo' Periodical Issues in Studying Russian Medieval Architecture

The Struggle for the Historicity of Research Methods in 1960s-1980s and the Role of 'Drevnerusskoe Iskusstvo' Periodical Issues in Studying Russian Medieval Architecture

机译:1960年代 - 1980年代的研究方法历史性的斗争以及“Drevnerusskoe Iskusstvo”定期问题在学习俄罗斯中世纪建筑中的作用



Thanks to the complex approach to the shaping of issues of the periodical collection of articles, the architecture was regularly included into the general context of the Old Russian art, which provided to observe the synchronization of processes connecting various forms of the art of Medieval Rus'. For many years, "Drevenerusskoe Iskusstvo" (Old Russian Art) periodical collection of articles has served the idea of transforming the history of the Old Russian architecture into an academic discipline, free from myth-making and authors' subjectivity.
机译:由于这种复杂的方法来形成文章的周期性集合的问题,该架构定期包含在旧俄罗斯艺术的一般背景中,这提供了观察连接中世纪艺术艺术的各种形式的过程的同步。 。多年来,“Drevenerusskoe Iskusstvo”(旧俄罗斯艺术)定期收集物品的想法为将旧俄罗斯建筑的历史转变为学科,摆脱神话和作者的主体性。



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