
Quark-Hadron Pasta in Neutron Stars

机译:夸克 - 强子意大利面在中子恒星



Pasta structures are studied for the quark-hadron phase transition. We find the useful correlation, which can provide the physical limits of the surface energy between quark and hadron matter, namely "σ_c-P_c relation". Our hadron model is based on the relativistic mean field theory with a general formulation, which can reproduce the traditional Walecka-type model, nonlinear Walecka-type model, etc. without changing the Lagrangian. The quark model is the string-flip model with the quasi-particle approximation and excluded volume effects. We also find that the analytic estimation derived from the liner-approximation is consistent with the numerical results. It means that we can roughly estimate the physical limit of the surface tension without any special numerical techniques, when we prepare uniform quark matter and hadron matter. We expect that the above behaviors can be help to reduce numerical costs to make huge EOS tables for astrophysical simulations, and would be a useful index to understand the quark-hadron phase transition.
机译:研究了夸克 - 强子相转变的面食结构。我们找到了有用的相关性,它可以提供夸克和紧张物质之间的表面能的物理限制,即“Σ_c-p_c关系”。我们的强子模型基于具有普通配方的相对论平均场理论,可以再现传统的Walecka型模型,非线性Walecka型模型等而不改变拉格朗日。 Quark模型是具有准粒子近似和排除卷效果的字符串翻转模型。我们还发现,从衬里近似衍生的分析估计与数值结果一致。这意味着我们可以粗略地估计表面张力的物理极限而没有任何特殊的数值技术,当我们准备均匀夸克物质和紧张物质时。我们预计以上行为可能有助于降低数值成本,为天体物理模拟制作巨大的EOS表,并将是理解夸克强子阶段转换的有用指标。



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