首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Health Sciences >The Knowledge and Attitude Survey of Posyandu Cadres About the Health of Pregnant Mothers, Infants and Toddlers In Jatinangor Health Center, Jatinagor District, Sumedang Regency

The Knowledge and Attitude Survey of Posyandu Cadres About the Health of Pregnant Mothers, Infants and Toddlers In Jatinangor Health Center, Jatinagor District, Sumedang Regency




Background: Posyandu (Pos Pelayanan Terpadu) is one form of Community-based Health Efforts which performed by, from, and with the community to provide convenience for the community and to obtain health services for mothers, infants and toddlers. There are still many problems that occur because of the lack of active motivation, knowledge, attitudes and skills from cadres of Posyandu. Method: This research was conducted by using descriptive method. The method is used to know the description of the knowledge and attitudes of cadres towards the health of pregnant mother, infants and toddlers. The approach used in the research was cross sectional. Research results: Most of cadres have good knowledge about the health of pregnant women as many as 61.4%, while the health of infants and toddlers are in the average as many as 49.4% and most of the cadres have a positive attitude as many as 51.8%. Conclusion: The knowledge of cadres about the health of pregnant mother, infants and toddlers in general is already sufficient.
机译:背景:Posyandu(Pospelayanan Terpadu)是一系列社区的健康工作,由社区提供,为社区提供便利,为母亲,婴儿和幼儿提供卫生服务。由于缺乏波萨亚杜干部的积极动机,知识,态度和技能,仍存在许多问题。方法:通过使用描述方法进行该研究。该方法用于了解干部对孕妇,婴儿和幼儿健康的知识和态度的描述。研究中使用的方法是横截面。研究结果:大多数干部对孕妇的健康有很多令人良好的了解,婴儿和幼儿的健康状况平均为49.4%,大多数干部都有多达51.8的积极态度%。结论:关于怀孕母亲,婴儿和幼儿健康的干部知识已经足够了。



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