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The Implementation of Design Thinking Method and Product Development Method on Student Startup Business Soul Sepatu




This paper discusses the implementation of the Design Thinking method and product development method on student startup business, Soul Sepatu. Services that offered are shoe wash and repair. The Design Thinking method consists of Empathize, Define, Idea and Prototype, and Test. The Startup business coaching program for 20 students through the PPK Grants from Kemenristekdikti is in the second year. The 20 students are continuing the same program in the first year and continuously building their startup business. The implementation of this method successfully made a net profit of 40 million rupiah each month. The process of creating a startup business in the Faculty of Industrial technology Trisakti University is starting from the next selection process, coaching process, monitoring and evaluation. The product development of Soul Sepatu use design thinking method and product development method. The result of this program are products in the form of organic shoe deodorizer.
机译:本文讨论了在学生启动业务中的设计思维方法和产品开发方法的实现,灵魂南部。提供的服务是擦鞋和维修。设计思维方法包括同情,定义,想法和原型和测试。来自Kemenristekdikti的PPK赠款的20名学生的启动业务教练计划在第二年。 20名学生在第一年继续同一计划,并不断建立他们的创业公司。该方法的实施成功净利润每月4000万卢比。在工业技术教师Trisakti大学创建创业公司的过程是从下一个选择过程,教练过程,监测和评估开始。灵魂羊水的产品开发利用设计思维方法和产品开发方法。该计划的结果是有机鞋除臭剂形式的产品。



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