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Ideal types of personality and leading communicative value strategies




Currently, the world culture is characterized by clustering of the communicative practices and global cultural diffusion. Implementing the personal life strategies, a modern person usually does not associate oneself with ancestral traditions and often demonstrates outstanding results attaining recognition and leadership positions in extraneous and imported spheres. Studying the biographies of famous personalities shows that a significant component participating in the formation of leaders should be recognized as the existence of the value orientation system formed by the notion of "ideal personalities". According to Max Weber, the concept of the ideal type is ancestral; it provides the conditions forming various generic directions. The term "ideal type" finds its use in the theoretical constructs of psychologists (types of characters, personality types), sociologists and cultural studies researchers (concepts of a bourgeois, proletarian, intellectual, or "raznochinets"). In the realities of modern diffused culture, researchers observe the Western types of ideal personality spreading in the East, and vice versa, such heroes as bodhisattva, sannyasin, and junzi becoming more and more popular along with introducing certain foreign for Europeans rules, codes, regulations, and vows. Deeper analysis of the "ideal personality type" allows, along with the notion of "sociocultural type", to introduce the notion of a "biographical type". In this paper, we find "sociocultural type" in sociology and cultural studies while describing the language of social action (types of a nihilist, cultivated person, intellectual). Respectively, the concept of "biographical type" is a representation of a certain life-behavior strategy of literary heroes or real idols of the era. The followers of Nietzsche, Voltaire, Werthers, Lenin, Sai Baba, Ole Nidahl represent the biographical types that reveal the mechanisms of typology within the culture in accordance with the ratio of individual and collective fundamentals and determine the nature of the influence of an image on the dialogue of generations. Identifying the important role of the "ideal type of personality" in the formation of modern leaders, it is necessary to recognize this theoretical semantic structure as being applicable for solving both theoretical and applied problem. It contains significant potential for explaining, systematizing, understanding, predicting and evaluating communicative value strategies of leadership of the past and present.
机译:目前,世界文化的特点是通过沟通惯例和全球文化扩散的聚类。实施个人生活策略,现代人通常不会与祖先传统联系起来,往往展示了卓越的结果,在外来和进口球体中获得了认可和领导地位。研究着名人物的传记表明,参加参与领导人的重要组成部分应被认为是“理想人物”概念形成的价值取向系统的存在。根据Max Weber,理想类型的概念是祖先;它提供了形成各种泛型方向的条件。术语“理想类型”中找到心理学家(字符类型,性格类型),社会学家和文化研究者(资产阶级,无产阶级,智力或“raznochinets”的概念)的理论结构的使用。在现代漫长文化的现实中,研究人员观察西方类型的理想人格在东方传播,反之亦然,如菩萨,桑亚斯汀和君子,朱子和君子队与欧洲人规则,代码引入某些外国人,法规和誓言。对“理想人格类型”的更深入分析允许“社会文化类型”的概念,引入“传记型”的概念。在本文中,我们在社会学和文化研究中找到了“社会文化类型”,同时描述了社会行动的语言(Nihilist,培养人,知识分子的类型)。 “传记类型”的概念分别是一定的生命行为策略的文学英雄或真正偶像的代表。 Nietzsche,Voltaie,Werthers,Lenin,Sai Baba,Ole Nidahl的追随者代表了根据个人和集体基础知识的比例揭示文化中类型学机制的传记类型,并确定了图像影响的性质几代人的对话。确定“理想人格”在形成现代领导者中的重要作用,有必要识别这种理论语义结构,以适用于解决理论和应用问题。它包含解释,系统化,理解,预测和评估过去和现在领导的交际策略的重要潜力。



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