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Legal Protection of Passengers to Services Go-Ride Gojek Purwokerto

机译:乘客的法律保护服务Go-Ride Gojek Purwokerto



The problem examined in this study is how is the legal protection of the passenger event for the Go Ride Go-jek Purwokerto service? This study uses an empirical juridical method, the research specification is analytical descriptive. Methods of presenting data are presented in the form of groupings and then systematically arranged. The results of the study show that the legal protection of passenger events for the Go Ride Go-jek Purwokerto service can be reviewed in Article 9 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, namely "business actors are responsible for providing compensation for damage, pollution and/or consumer losses due to consuming goods and/or services produced or traded"; and Article 234 paragraph (1) of Law Number 22 Year 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation, namely: "Drivers, motorized vehicle owners, and/or public transport companies are responsible for losses suffered by passengers and/or owners of goods and/or a third party due to negligence of the driver". This means that based on these 2 articles, the driver and the company (business actor) are responsible for losses caused by passengers in the event of an evement or damage resulting from services caused by the driver. If the driver is not responsible it can be said as an illegal act.
机译:本研究中审查的问题是Ro乘坐Go-Jek Pukwokerto服务的客运活动的法律保护如何?本研究采用了经验法则方法,研究规范是分析描述性的。呈现数据的方法以分组的形式呈现,然后系统地排列。研究结果表明,1999年第1999届关于消费者保护的第9条的第9条的法律保护可以审查1999年第9条的第9条,即“商业行为者负责提供损害赔偿,由于消费商品和/或服务或交易而导致的污染和/或消费损失“;第234条关于道路交通和运输22岁的法律第234段(1)款,即:“驱动因素,机动车主和/或公共交通公司负责乘客和/或货物所有者和/或由于疏忽驾驶员的第三方“。这意味着根据这两篇文章,驾驶员和公司(商业行动者)负责乘客在驾驶员造成的服务导致的事件发生或损坏时由乘客造成的损失。如果司机不责任,可以说是非违法行为。



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