首页> 外文会议>Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting >The Influence of Entrepreneur Learning, Self-Efficacy and Creativity Toward Students Entrepreneurial Interests of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Faculty, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara

The Influence of Entrepreneur Learning, Self-Efficacy and Creativity Toward Students Entrepreneurial Interests of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Faculty, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara

机译:企业家学习,自我效力和创造力对Tarbiyah和教师培训教师的企业兴趣,Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara



The purpose of this research is to find out, 1) The effect of learning entrepreneur, self-efficacy and creativity together on student entrepreneurial interest, 2) The effect of entrepreneur learning on student entrepreneur interest, 3) Effect of self-efficacy on student entrepreneurial interest, 4) Effect of creativity on students' entrepreneurial interest of Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training Faculty of Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara (FITK UINSU). Type of this research is descriptive and associative research with a quantitative approach that aims to find the independent variables affect the dependent variable. The samples were selected by using proportional sampling technique which obtained that there were 185 students of 345 students as all populations. Data were analyzed by using multiple regression analysis. The results showed that, 1) entrepreneur learning, self-efficacy and creativity together have a significant and positive effect on student entrepreneur interest 2) entrepreneur learning had a significant and positive effect on students entrepreneur interests, 3) self-efficacy had a significant and positive effect on students' entrepreneur interests, and 4) creativity had a significant and positive effect on students' entrepreneur interests.
机译:本研究的目的是找出,1)学习企业家,自我效力和创造力的效果,在学生创业兴趣,2)企业家学习对学生企业家的影响,3)对学生的自我效能影响企业家兴趣,4)创造性对Tarbiyah和教师培训学院学生的创造性伊斯兰·伊斯兰·萨默马·utara(Fitk UINSU)的创造性。本研究的类型是描述性和关联研究,其定量方法旨在找到自动变量影响从属变量。通过使用比例采样技术选择样品,该方法获得了185名学生作为所有人口的学生。通过使用多元回归分析来分析数据。结果表明,1)企业家学习,自我效力和创造力在一起对学生企业家的利益有重大而积极的影响2)企业家学习对学生企业家的利益具有重要且积极的影响,3)自我效能具有重要意义和对学生的企业家利益和4)创造力对学生的企业家利益有重大而积极影响的积极影响。



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