首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Art Studies: Science, Experience, Education >The First Application of Ritornello Form in Concerto: A Structural Analysis of the First Movement of the Sixth Concerto in Torelli Op. 8

The First Application of Ritornello Form in Concerto: A Structural Analysis of the First Movement of the Sixth Concerto in Torelli Op. 8

机译:ritornello形式在协奏曲的第一次应用:Torelli Op第六次协奏曲的第一次运动的结构分析。 8.



In the development of the music, the ritornello form with the theme of main part for tune shift and reproduction is one of the main forms next to fugue in the Baroque Music period, which embodies the principle of the cyclic form as well as the Rondo. In 1708, the Italian composer Giuseppe Torelli first applied the form to the first movement of the sixth concerto in Op. 8. On the basis of the analysis and research of this movement, this paper summarizes the structural characteristics of the ritornello form which was first used in the Baroque Concerto genre.
机译:在音乐的发展中,Ritornello形式与主要部分的主题进行调谐和再现的主题是巴洛克音乐期间曲线旁边的主要形式之一,其体现了循环形式以及rondo的原理。 1708年,意大利作曲家Giuseppe Torelli首先将表格应用于OP中第六次协奏曲的第一次运动。 8.根据对这一运动的分析和研究的基础,本文总结了ritornello形式的结构特征,该特征是在巴洛克式的协议类型中首先使用的。



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