首页> 外文会议>AMA Summer Academic Conference >Exploring Mannequin Display Effect on Consumers'Purchase Intention: An Embodied Cognition Theory Perspective

Exploring Mannequin Display Effect on Consumers'Purchase Intention: An Embodied Cognition Theory Perspective

机译:探索时装模特对消费者的展示影响 - 一种体现认知理论观点



People find mannequins in fashion apparel retail stores.Fashionable clothes are of ten displayed on mannequins installed either on a high pedestal or on a ground.Would this higher versus lower mannequin display influence consumers'purchase intention? If so,what would be the possible moderator and mediator to explain such phenomena? To answer this question,we focus on embodied cognition theory(Forster et al.2006;Friedman and Forster 2000),which explains that the extent of the movement of our bodies to perceive an object(e.g.,looking up and down)can evoke different ways of processing information.For example,while looking up stimulates people to adopt abstract information processing,looking down triggers people to adopt concrete information processing(Kerchhove et al.2015).Few studies have applied the theory to explain consumers'purchases in a storefront setting where mannequins are frequently used.The current study aims to empirically test how this view should be used in a real consumer setting.We hypothesize that combining consumers'shopping motivation(hedonic vs.utilitarian)with the height of mannequins affect consumers'processing information of the displayed products.Furthermore,the interplay between embodied cognition and shopping motivations will be mediated by mental simulation.
机译:人们在时尚服装零售店找到时装模特。光起动的衣服在一个高底座或地面上安装的人体模型上显示。这个更高的与较低人体模特显示器影响消费者的购买意图?如果是这样,可能是可能的主持人和调解员解释这种现象?为了回答这个问题,我们专注于体现的认知理论(Forster等,2000年;弗里德曼和福尔斯特2000),这解释了我们身体感知物体的运动的程度(例如,抬头上下)可以唤起不同的处理信息的方法。例如,在查找时刺激人们采用抽象信息处理,俯视触发人员采用具体信息处理(Kerchhove等人).Few研究已经应用了该理论来解释店面的消费者的消费者模特经常使用的环境。目前的研究旨在经验测试这种观点应该如何在真正的消费者环境中使用。我们假设将消费者的商场动机(Hedonic Vs.utilitian)与人体模特的高度相结合影响消费者的过程信息在显示的产品中。繁殖的认知和购物动机之间的相互作用将被精神模拟介导。



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