首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities >A Study of the Chinese Image of American Writer Peter Hessler: Starting from 'Pathfinding in China'

A Study of the Chinese Image of American Writer Peter Hessler: Starting from 'Pathfinding in China'

机译:美国作家Peter Hessler的中文形象研究:从“中国港路”开始



In American literature, there are many works that depict China or Chinese, and the image of China is diversified with the development of American national literature. At present, the research of China or the Chinese image in American literature is productive, most of which concentrated on the study of the representative writers and works before the new century, such as the series of Sai Zhenzhu, overseas Chinese writers Fu Manzhou, and Charlie Chan, etc. Using native American writer's literature in the new century as the research object, and American travel writer Peter Hayes's work "The Pathfinding China" as the breakthrough point, through the way of observing China of the documentary travel literature, this paper describes the new look of Chinese images, analyzes the pattern of manifestation of the othering of China and the Chinese images in American literature in the new century, and expounds the mutual conversion process of the relation between otherness and ego, and bidirectional nature of the self-image construction, expecting to have a positive impact on self-awareness and self-construction of China's images.
机译:在美国文学中,有许多文件描绘了中国或中国人,中国的形象随着美国国家文学的发展而多样化。目前,中国或中国文学中的中国形象的研究富有成效,其中大部分都集中在代表作家的研究和新世纪面前的作品,如西振湖系列,海外中国作家傅曼洲,和查理陈等。在新世纪使用本地美国作家的文学作为研究对象,美国旅游作家彼得海耶斯的工作“探路中国”作为突破点,通过观察中国纪录片旅游文学的方式,本文描述了中文图像的新外观,分析了新世纪美国文学中的其他表现形式的表现模式,阐述了其他和自我之间关系的相互转换过程,以及自我的双向性质 - 期望建设,期望对中国形象的自我意识和自我建设产生积极影响。



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