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Heidegger's Pot - The Gathering of the Four Elements of Heaven, Earth, God and Man

机译:海德格尔的锅 - 聚会天国,地球,上帝和人的四个要素



Heidegger, as a master of German existential philosophy, generally believes that he has experienced three stages: early, middle and late. The thoughts and investigations of existence are the focus of Heidegger. The more important part of it is his long-term exploration and reflection on the existence of things, and it runs through his entire thought evolution. In the late Heidegger, he combined his thoughts on things with the traceability of etymology, and tried to find the original meaning of the language by tracing the etymology of the language. Based on this, he examined the essence of the object. "Summoning the world through language" is an important tendency of Heidegger's thought in this period. In Heidegger's late works of thought, especially in the thinking of things, one can't ignore the article "Das Ding" (The Thing) he wrote in 1950. In this article, Heidegger uses the pot as a metaphor to reveal the nature of the pot through a rigorous logical deduction and etymological investigation, thus exposing the nature of the thing. In the end, in Heidegger, the existence of pots and the thing is ultimately positioned in a gathering of heaven, earth, god and man. Therefore, the close reading and interpretation of "The Thing" will help us to describe the thought context of Heidegger's late thoughts, as well as a glimpse of his late thoughts.
机译:海德格尔,如德国存在主义哲学的集大成者,普遍认为,他已经经历了三个阶段:早期,中期和晚期。思想和存在的调查是海德格尔的焦点。它的更重要的部分是他长期的探索和反思的东西存在,它贯穿了他的整个思想的演变。在海德格尔后期,他结合了他对事物与词源的可追溯性的想法,并试图通过跟踪语言的词源找到语言的本义。在此基础上,他检查的对象的本质。 “通过语言召唤世界”是海德格尔的思想在这一时期的一个重要趋势。海德格尔思想的后期作品,尤其是在对事物的思考,一个不能忽视他在1950年写了这篇文章的文章“达斯鼎”(怪),海德格尔使用了锅作为一个比喻来揭示的本质锅内通过严密的逻辑推导和词源的调查,从而揭露事物的本质。最后,在海德格尔,盆的存在和事情最终定位于天,地,神,人的聚会。因此,近距离阅读和“怪”的解释将帮助我们描述的海德格尔晚年的思想和思想背景,以及他晚年的思想一瞥。



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