
Raw Food Diets for Dogs and Cats




Diets fed to dogs and cats that include raw animal products are increasingly popular in some areas, and are sometimes recommended by veterinarians. The range of diet types in the raw category is wide: a variety commercially available and homemade options are both used. Raw diets for pets may include meat, poultry, eggs, organs, seafood, whole or ground bones, and vegetables/fruit or other components. Some pet owners follow a prey style approach, feeding entire whole or ground animal carcasses. Othersutilize diet recipes that include only raw meat with or without supplements. In some cases, raw diets are referred to by the acronym "BARF" which can stand for "bones and raw food" or "biologically appropriate raw food" diet. If is unclear how many people are feeding their pets raw food diets; however, based on the growing number of commercially available raw food diets, this market may be growing, but is likely still fed to only a small percentage of pets.



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