
A low cost autonomous multipurpose vehicle for advanced robotics




In this raging world of terror and natural disaster the need for Robot have increased by heaps and bounds, in these days of terror, using this robot we can easily survey and pinpoint location of individuals without getting noticed, we have made a low cost robot which can serve human beings in many purposes. We can use this robot for finding life in the ruins of disaster, in Agricultural field we can implement IMAGE PROCESSING via PIXYCAM2 to find our way through the field and find faulty crops and mark them and in few cases by giving HAND GESTURES from a distance, we can also treat them. In times of Surveillance in large factories where human over viewing is not possible all the time we can use this robot in SELF DRIVING mode to survey the nearby region or the entire workshop without any human interference, in any unwanted situation we can take over the robot from SELF DRIVING mode to HAND GESTURE. Above all with the help of Bluetooth we can pair a smart phone with our robot. Then by HUMAN VOICE we can call and change any of the modes of our robot that is why it is more efficient and smarter enough than other robots of same scale. This paper is different from others because of different mechanisms those cannot be assembled together rather the features which are difficult to posit unanimously, are synthesized together within the structure of a wholesome project called "A low cost autonomous multipurpose vehicle for Advanced Robotics".



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