首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering >Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) with Immersion Time Variation of Working Electrode on The Dye of C4 Plant Chlorophyll of Corn Leaves (Zea mays L.)

Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) with Immersion Time Variation of Working Electrode on The Dye of C4 Plant Chlorophyll of Corn Leaves (Zea mays L.)

机译:染料敏化太阳能电池(DSSC)在玉米叶片(Zea Mays L.)的C4植物叶绿素染料上的工作电极的浸入时间变化



Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) performance is mainly influenced by the amount of dye absorbed in the working electrode. The amount of dye absorbed is influenced by several factors, including the immersing time of working electrode in the dye. This study aims to obtain the effect of the immersing time of working electrodes on the efficiency of DSSC with C4 plant chlorophyll of com leaves as a sensitizer. The working electrode used was a TiO_2 semiconductor. Dye is made from 1 g of com leaves which is dissolved in 50 mL of acetone. The immersing time variations used were 1, 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours. The characterization applied were a UV-Vis spectrophotometer to measure the absorbance of the solution and absorbance of dye-coated work electrode layers, Keithley I-V Meter to measure the efficiency and conductivity of dye solution. The absorbance of the solution from the dye chlorophyll of com leaves is located at a wavelength of 450 nm - 500 nm and 650 nm - 670 nm. The absorbance of the coating from the working electrode soaked in chlorophyll dye from immersion 1 hour increased to immersion 6 hours and then decreased continuously at immersion 12, 24 and 48 hours. The efficiency and conductivity results showed a similar trend to the absorbance of the working electrode layer. The highest efficiency was obtained at immersing time of 6 hours, which was 9.12 x 10-2%. The highest conductivity was obtained at immersing time of 6 hours which was 8.9 Ω~(-1)m~(-1).
机译:染料敏化太阳能电池(DSSC)性能主要受工作电极中吸收的染料量的影响。吸收的染料量受若干因素的影响,包括染料中的工作电极的浸入时间。该研究旨在获得工作电极浸渍时间对DSSC的效率与COM叶片作为敏化剂的C4植物叶绿素。使用的工作电极是TiO_2半导体。染料由1g COM叶制成,溶解在50ml丙酮中。使用的浸入时间变化为1,6,12,24和48小时。所应用的表征是UV-Vis分光光度计,用于测量染料涂覆的工作电极层的溶液和吸光度的吸光度,测量染料溶液的效率和导电性。来自COM叶片染料叶绿素的溶液的吸光度位于450nm-500nm和650nm-670nm的波长。从浸入叶绿素染料中的工作电极从浸渍1小时的工作电极吸收到浸泡6小时,然后在浸渍12,24和48小时内连续降低。效率和电导率结果显示了工作电极层的吸光度的类似趋势。在浸入6小时的浸渍时间获得最高效率,其为9.12×10-2%。在浸渍时间为6小时的浸渍时间为8.9Ω〜(-1)m〜(-1)时获得最高的导电率。



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