首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Current Progress in Mathematics and Sciences >The role of magnetic field and temperature disorder on the localization length of G4 DNA molecule

The role of magnetic field and temperature disorder on the localization length of G4 DNA molecule

机译:磁场和温度紊乱对G4 DNA分子定位长度的作用



The charge transport properties of DNA molecules is an interesting topic to be studied. We use tight binding approach to study the charge transport properties of G4 DNA molecule. The G4 DNA model is studied under the influence of magnetic field and temperature. Temperature leads to disorder in G4 DNA molecule which in turn altering electron localization length in the molecule. The localization length is calculated using the transfer matrix method and Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization scheme. The results show that magnetic field leads to the decrement of the electron localization length of G4-DNA molecule in some energies. Meanwhile, temperature causes disorder in molecule potential profile which leads to the decrement of electron localization length.
机译:DNA分子的电荷传输性质是要研究的有趣话题。我们使用紧的结合方法来研究G4 DNA分子的电荷传输性能。在磁场和温度的影响下研究了G4 DNA模型。温度导致G4 DNA分子中的紊乱,其又改变分子中的电子定位长度。使用传输矩阵方法和克施密特正交化方案计算定位长度。结果表明,磁场在一些能量中导致G4-DNA分子的电子定位长度的减少。同时,温度导致分子电位型材的紊乱导致电子定位长度的减少。



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