首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Culture, Education and Economic Development of Modern Society >Narrative Strategy of Death Theme in Animated Films Under Children's Cognitive Perspective: A Case Study of Pixar Animated Film COCO

Narrative Strategy of Death Theme in Animated Films Under Children's Cognitive Perspective: A Case Study of Pixar Animated Film COCO

机译:儿童认知视角下动画电影死亡主题叙事战略 - 以皮克斯动画电影Coco为例



COCO is an animated film with the Mexican traditional festival Day of the Dead as story background, which shows the dead and the Land of the Dead in the form of a story. According to data from the IMDb website, the global box office of the film reached 800 million US dollars, which means that so many children have watched this film with death theme and full of skeletal dead characters. How COCO talks about the story with the theme of death from the perspective of children is the focus of this paper. This paper is based on the theory of children's psychology and hermeneutics as theoretical support. The research object is the narrative strategy of animated film with death theme and with children as audience targeting. The focus on children's perspectives is mainly due to the lack of children's discourse; children's cultural background and life experience will have an impact on related sub-conceptual cognitions; especially in the face of the death theme of animated films, children aged 5-9 are almost complete in a state of passive acceptance. If it is not handled properly when the animation company makes animated films with death theme, it will increase the children's fear of death, which will have a negative impact on the children's psychology and may bring lifelong injury. COCO introduces this new world of the Land of the Dead with the eyes of a child named Miguel, and also takes him as an opportunity to promote the development of the story, and treats life and death with a new perspective. Therefore, this paper will comply with the characteristics of the development of children cognition, in the perspective of children, to explore the narrative strategy of the Pixar animated film COCO with death theme.
机译:Coco是一个动画的电影,墨西哥传统节日的死者作为故事背景,它以故事的形式显示死者和死者的土地。根据IMDB网站的数据,这部电影的全球票房达到了8亿美元,这意味着许多孩子已经用死亡主题观看了这部电影,充满了骨骼死亡。 Coco如何从儿童角度谈论死亡主题的故事是本文的重点。本文基于儿童心理学和诠释学理论为理论支持。研究对象是动画电影的叙事战略,死亡主题和儿童作为观众瞄准。对儿童观点的关注主要是由于缺乏儿童话语;儿童的文化背景和生活经验将对相关的次概念认知产生影响;特别是在面对动画电影的死亡主题,5-9岁的儿童在被动验收状态下几乎完全完成。如果动画公司与死亡主题制作动画电影时没有正确处理,那将增加儿童对死亡的恐惧,这将对儿童心理产生负面影响,并可能带来终身伤害。 Coco介绍了这个新世界的死者的土地,被称为米格尔的孩子,也将他作为促进故事的发展的机会,并以一种新的视角来对待生命和死亡。因此,本文将符合儿童认知发展的特点,以儿童的角度来探讨像素动画电影Coco与死亡主题的叙事策略。



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