首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Engineering and Applied Technology >Development of knowledge management system for determining organizational culture in micro, small and medium enterprises using organizational culture assessment instrument

Development of knowledge management system for determining organizational culture in micro, small and medium enterprises using organizational culture assessment instrument




Organizations must improve their competitiveness due to global competition and free market. Organizational culture and continuous improvement are one of the main factors used not only to face the competitiveness in the free market but also to improve organizational performance and vision and mission achievement. Moreover, the organizational culture also has an important element for determining the direction of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). However, many MSMEs currently do not pay attention to their organizational culture so that difficulties emerge in determining the right direction and policy. To solve the problems, this research aimed to determine the companies' organizational culture by using organizational culture assessment instrument (OCAI) based on knowledge management system (KMS) in order to provide recommendations. In the developing the system, the researchers conducted surveys to several MSMEs and invite experts and practitioners to conduct the process of knowledge capture and literature study and to achieve the best organizational culture recommendations on MSMEs. This research produced a software used for determining the organizational culture based on KMS and OCAI principles. The developed software was tested to several companies and MSMEs to obtain results with a very high level of accuracy in providing recommendations.



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