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School Culture Shaping through School-Based Management: School Culture as the Basis of Character Building




The moral crisis in Indonesia today cause the nation problems. The urgency of character education application is considered as a solution in solving moral problems. Schools as formal educational institutions play a role in developing student character. The era of regional autonomy involves the management system, the impact of which is the implementation of school-based management policies, which provide school autonomy in the management of educational institutions. During this involvement of parents, the community is considered less in the application of character education in school. Involvement of parents, and the community in managing the school only deals with finance. This paper aims to describe how the role of school-based management in shaping the culture characteristic of the school, the role of schools in the implementation of school-based management as a means of shaping the school culture in reducing student character problems. Through school-based management, it is expected that the culture of characteristic in schools can be built.



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