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Teaching Remo Dance Art Using Surabaya Style to Improve Primary School Students' Character Building




This study aims at finding out the lesson about education for the fourth graders of education at SDN Sedatigede II. This research was a descriptive qualitative research. In this study, the researchers used the phenomenon of interaction in the school classroom. The object of the research was the learning of dance art that existed in this school for students, especially for elementary school students. The data were collected through interview, documentation and audiovisual materials. The data analysis included data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or data validity that was done through triangulation embracing source triangulation, time triangulation, method triangulation. The result of this research shows that the learning of Remo Gagrak dance Surabaya which applied the value of character education was involved giving stimulation to the students. Such dance applied the value of the character building so that the students could apply the value of discipline, responsibility, confidence, the sense of nationalism, and politeness with the environment culture, in order to achieve the learning goal.
机译:这项研究的目的是找出有关教育的教育在SDN Sedatigede II四年级的课。这项研究是一个描述性的定性研究。在这项研究中,研究人员使用相互作用的现象在学校教室。这项研究的对象是舞蹈艺术的是,在这所学校的学生存在,尤其是对小学生学习。这些数据是通过访谈,文献和音像资料收集。数据分析包括数据的减少,数据表示方法,并得出结论或这是通过三角测量完成拥抱源三角测量数据的有效性,时间三角测量,三角测量法。这一研究表明,雷莫Gagrak的学习跳舞泗水其应用的字符教育的价值,结果是参与捐赠的刺激给学生。这种舞蹈所施加的性格建筑的价值,使学生能够与环境文化适用纪律,责任,自信,民族主义的意识,礼貌的值,以达到学习目标。



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