首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Ethics in Governance >Efforts to Increase Public Welfare Consciousness Through Pay Zakat Rice Crop

Efforts to Increase Public Welfare Consciousness Through Pay Zakat Rice Crop




This paper examines and discusses how to improve people's welfare Pinrang, South Sulawesi through an awareness for rice farmers in paying zakat rice yields. Pinrang a rice-producing districts are very large by the amount of rice area is very spacious. If this huge income collected zakat on it regularly according to the provisions of law, it will be the welfare of the community on an ongoing basis. But it is unfortunate that the government Pinrang, especially paddy rice farmers have not yet realized the potential of this well. Therefore, both parties need to be encouraged to watch her perform concrete measures and strategic. The scholars need to develop programs that could encourage the government to realize coordinated the payment of zakat and paddy rice farmers to pay Zakat regularly. Efforts of the scholars as non-formal leaders, in turn, will make the government committed coordinate and paddy rice farmers understand and accomplish it with full awareness and in turn will feel her contribution to the public welfare.
机译:本文审查并讨论了如何通过对稻草稻产量进行稻米农民的认识来改善人民福利屈臣氏围场。 Pinrang稻米生产区的稻米面积非常宽敞,非常宽敞。如果这个巨额收入根据法律规定,定期收集了Zakat,它将是持续的社区福利。但是,不幸的是,政府围场,尤其是水稻农民尚未实现这一井的潜力。因此,需要鼓励双方观看她进行具体措施和战略性。学者需要制定可能鼓励政府实现协调扎克特和稻田农民的计划,以定期支付扎克特。努力作为非正规领导人的努力,又使政府犯下的协调和水稻农民了解并完成了完全意识,而且反过来会感受到对公众福利的贡献。



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