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Comparison of Two Project-Based Learning Experiences in Panama City, Panama




In 1970, Worcester Polytechnic Institute adopted The WPI Plan, a project-based educational philosophy that requires students to complete three research projects during their undergraduate careers, each the equivalent of a full term's worth of work. Almost immediately, this curriculum evolved to incorporate off-campus project opportunities, with the first off-campus Project Center established in 1974. This paper compares two groups of undergraduates that recently carried out NSF-funded research at the Panama City, Panama, Project Center in order to fulfill one of their project requirements. The first group was composed of five seniors, selected based on academic standing, each working under the guidance of personnel from the Panama Canal Authority on a specific technical project as part of their capstone design project. The second group, selected based on financial need, investigated the effects of the ongoing Panama Canal Expansion Project on the Food-Energy-Water (FEW) nexus in the canal watershed to fulfill their junior year 'Interactive Qualifying Project' requirement. The findings of each team, logistical considerations for advisors, the results of student evaluations of the experience, and unique difficulties faced by the students are discussed, as well as lessons learned for the improvement of the program in future years. These projects represent two distinctly unique examples of project-based learning.
机译:1970年,伍斯特理工学院采纳了WPI计划,这是一个基于项目的教育理念,需要学生在本科生期间完成三个研究项目,每次都相当于一个全年的工作价值。本课程几乎立即融入了校外项目机会,其中包括1974年的第一个校外项目中心。本文比较了两组本科生,最近在巴拿马市,巴拿马,项目中心进行了NSF资助的研究。为了实现他们的项目要求。第一组由五名老年人组成,根据学术常规选择,每个人都在巴拿马运河管理局的指导下,作为其Capstone设计项目的一部分。根据财务需求选择的第二组调查了持续的巴拿马运河扩建项目对运河流域的食品 - 能源 - 水(少数)Nexus的影响,以满足其初级年度“互动资格项目”要求。每个团队的调查结果,顾问的后勤考虑,学生评估的经验结果,以及学生所面临的独特困难,以及在未来几年内改善计划的经验教训。这些项目代表了基于项目的学习的两个明显独特的例子。



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