
Road safety analysis on Achmad Yani frontage road Surabaya

机译:Achmad Yani Frontage Road Surabaya的道路安全分析



This research discusses road safety analysis on the operation of frontage road on the west side of Achmad Yani Road Surabaya. This research began by conducting survey on secondary data of traffic accidents. In addition, primary data survey was conducted to obtain traffic data, geometric road data, and other supporting data at the study site along the west side frontage of Ahmad Yani Road Surabaya. Devices used in this research include camera, handy cam, speed gun, counters of vehicles, rolling meter, computer and others. In outline, the stages to conduct this research are divided into 4 stages, namely l.the preparation stage, 2.data collection and processing, 3. analysis and discussion, and 4. conclusion. The results of this study showed that the accident characteristics of the frontage road are (i) 3 accidents occured per month, (ii) motorcycles was accounted for the largest proportion of accidents which amounted to 74.6 percent, (iii) there were 3 accident victims per month, and (iv) material losses per month worths 1.2 million. The accident rate in 2016 was 0.04 crashes per one million vehicle travels per kilometer, while during 2 months in 2017 it was 0.15 accidents per one million vehicle travels per kilometer. Black spot area of accident is located on Sta 2 + 800 to 2 + 900 which is in front of Graha Pena building and DBL Arena. The high rate of accidents is influenced by the speed of the vehicle which 85 percentile exceeds the speed limit of 40km per hour.
机译:本研究讨论了临街道路上艾哈迈德雅妮路泗水西侧操作交通安全分析。这项研究得到了在交通事故的次要数据进行调查。此外,主数据调查是在研究部位沿艾哈迈德·亚尼路泗水西侧临街获取流量数据,几何道路数据,以及其他支持数据。在此研究中使用的设备包括摄像头,方便凸轮,测速枪,车辆的柜台,滚动表,计算机及其他。概括地说,进行这项研究的阶段分为4个阶段,即l.the准备阶段,2.data收集和处理,3分析和讨论,和结论。这项研究的结果表明,临街道路交通事故的特点是:(i)3起,每月发生,(二)摩托车被占总额为74.6%的事故所占比例最大,(三)有3名事故遇难者每月,和(iv)每月物质损失实在值得120万。在2016年的事故率为0.04崩溃每百万车辆每公里行驶,而在2017年2个月是0.15事故每百万车辆每公里行驶。事故黑点区位于站2 + 800〜2 + 900这是在巴里岛佩纳建设和DBL竞技场的前面。事故的高速率是由85百分位数超过每小时40公里速度限制的车辆的速度的影响。



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