首页> 外文会议>International low impact development conference China >Reinvent of a New Public Toilet Wastewater Treatment System Using Forward Osmosis as the Key Unit: A Resources Close-Loop Model in Urban LID

Reinvent of a New Public Toilet Wastewater Treatment System Using Forward Osmosis as the Key Unit: A Resources Close-Loop Model in Urban LID




To solve the sanitation problems and achieve the resource recovery goal, a new toilet system using FO (forward osmosis) as the key unit was developed. The FO membrane module was used for enrichment of source separated urine collected by vacuum toilets. After enrichment, the volume of the urine was greatly reduced and could be conveniently used as a fertilizer. Lab experiments were carried out to decide the optimal operation conditions of the FO system, and 2 M NaCl was used as the draw solution with cross flow velocity of 55 cm/s. In this condition, an average water flux about 2.5 LHM, rejection rate over 80%, and concentration times of 2.5 were achieved. A pilot scale toilet system with 6 stools was built to testify the operation result. The result showed that the system produced high quality fertilizer without addition of water and other substances and the quality of the reclaimed water basically satisfied the demands for toilet flush.
机译:为了解决卫生问题并实现资源恢复目标,开发了一种新的厕所,使用FO(正向渗透)作为关键单元。 FO膜组件用于通过真空厕所收集的源分离尿液的富集。在富集后,尿液的体积大大降低,可以方便地用作肥料。进行实验室实验以确定FO系统的最佳操作条件,使用2M NaCl作为绘制溶液,交叉流速为55cm / s。在这种情况下,实现了约2.5LHm,抑制率超过80%的平均水通量,并达到2.5的浓度次数。建立了一个带有6个凳子的试验尺度卫生间,以证明操作结果。结果表明,该系统生产的高品质肥料而不加入水和其他物质,再生水的质量基本满足卫生间冲洗的需求。



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