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Modernity In architecture - Tokyo,Osaka,Dubai,Gdansk,Katowice

机译:建筑的现代性 - 东京,大阪,迪拜,格但斯克,卡托维兹



The article describes conducted observational studies of contemporary architectural objects in various parts of the world.Examples from Japan,the Emirates of Arabia and Poland - contemporary architecture of cities: Tokyo,Osaka,Dubai,Gdansk,Katowice have been described.He evaluates them and draws attention to the essential elements.He conducts an original discussion on the contemporary architecture.In the subjective assessment,two elements are always important: meeting the investor's goals and the needs of users.Observation of what is happening new in a built environment is an integral part of the architect's work.Of course,it is good to look at new architectural realizations of buildings and examples of space management,not only superficially,e.g.in terms of the overall aesthetic image or an interesting detail,but also to make a somewhat deeper assessment.Evaluations,e.g.in terms of meeting the needs and satisfaction of users,efficiency and cost-effectiveness of solutions.In order for the assessment to be professional despite the fact that in the observational form (own observation) well as the architect knows the basics and techniques of qualitative research.Qualitative observational studies were aimed at identifying factors shaping contemporary architectural objects and the surrounding space.Due to the globalization,the scope of research has been established to be very wide,taking into account different regions and cultures.The result of the research was to identify various types of elements affecting the quality of architecture.The main elements of this analysis include adapting objects to the various needs of users and investors.The universal principles of typical solutions of the contemporary architecture related to the quality of this architecture were also defined.
机译:本文介绍了对世界各地的当代建筑物体的观察研究。来自日本的当代建筑物体,阿拉伯和波兰酋长国 - 当代城市建筑:东京,大阪,迪拜,格但斯克,卡托兹·卡托兹评估了他们和提请注意基本元素。他对当代建筑进行了原创讨论。在主观评估中,两个元素始终是重要的:满足投资者的目标和用户的需求。为建筑环境中发生新的新的目标和用户的需求是一个方框的工作组成部分。当然,看看建筑物的新建筑和太空管理例子的例子很好,不仅是整个美学形象或有趣的细节的超级,而且还有一个更深入的评估。Egaluations,例如满足用户的需求和满足的条款,效率和解决方案的成本效益。在订单中尽管在观察表格(自己的观察)中,作为架构师的基础知识和技巧的基础知识和技巧,但旨在识别塑造当代建筑物体和周围空间的基础知识和技术,旨在识别塑造当代建筑物品和周围空间的因素。全球化,研究范围是非常广泛的,考虑到不同的地区和文化。该研究的结果是识别影响建筑质量的各种类型的元素。该分析的主要元素包括适应对象还定义了用户和投资者的各种需求。与此架构质量相关的当代建筑的典型解决方案的普遍原则也被定义。



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