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Duckietown: An Innovative Way to Teach Autonomy




Teaching robotics is challenging because it is a multidis-ciplinary, rapidly evolving and experimental discipline that integrates cutting-edge hardware and software. This paper describes the course design and first implementation of Duckietown, a vehicle autonomy class that experiments with teaching innovations in addition to leveraging modern educational theory for improving student learning. We provide a robot to every student, thanks to a minimalist platform design, to maximize active learning; and introduce a role-play aspect to increase team spirit, by modeling the entire class as a fictional start-up (Duckietown Engineering Co.). The course formulation leverages backward design by formalizing intended learning outcomes (ILOs) enabling students to appreciate the challenges of: (a) heterogeneous disciplines converging in the design of a minimal self-driving car, (b) integrating subsystems to create complex system behaviors, and (c) allocating constrained computational resources. Students learn how to assemble, program, test and operate a self-driving car (Duckiebot) in a model urban environment (Duckietown), as well as how to implement and document new features in the system. Traditional course assessment tools are complemented by a full scale demonstration to the general public. The "duckie" theme was chosen to give a gender-neutral, friendly identity to the robots so as to improve student involvement and outreach possibilities. All of the teaching materials and code is released online in the hope that other institutions will adopt the platform and continue to evolve and improve it, so to keep pace with the fast evolution of the field.
机译:教学机器人有挑战性,因为它是一个多个CIPLInary,迅速发展和实验的学科,可集成尖端硬件和软件。本文介绍了杜地中镇的课程设计和第一次实施,这是一种在利用现代教育理论提高学生学习的现代教育理论之外的教学创新的车辆自治课程。我们为每个学生提供一个机器人,因为很短暂的平台设计,最大限度地发挥活跃的学习;并介绍一个角色游戏方面来增加团队精神,通过将整个班级建模为虚构的初创公司(Duckietown Engineering Co.)。该课程制定通过正规化预期的学习成果(iLOS)来利用向后设计,使学生能够欣赏以下挑战:(a)在整个自动驾驶汽车设计中会聚的异构学科,(b)集成子系统来创建复杂的系统行为, (c)分配受限的计算资源。学生学习如何在模型城市环境(Duckietown)中组装,编程,测试和操作自动驾驶汽车(DuckieBot),以及如何在系统中实施和记录新功能。传统课程评估工具由全面公众的全面示范辅成。选择“Duckie”主题为机器人提供性别中立,友好的身份,以提高学生的参与和外联可能性。所有教学材料和代码都在线发布,希望其他机构将采用该平台并继续发展和改进它,以便与现场的快速发展保持步伐。



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