首页> 外文会议>International Nursing Conference on Education, Practice and Research Development in Nursing >Analysis of Patient Satisfaction and Interest of Patient on Doctor Servicing Health Care Provider in the Healthcare and Social Security Agency in Pesantren District Kediri

Analysis of Patient Satisfaction and Interest of Patient on Doctor Servicing Health Care Provider in the Healthcare and Social Security Agency in Pesantren District Kediri




Health services as health facilities for health service of first strata who responsible to carries out individual health efforts and society health efforts still minim. Good quality service will give satisfaction and interest on patient. This reseach purposed to analyze of patient satisfaction and interest of patient on doctor servicing health care provider in the healthcare and social security agency in Pesantren district Kediri. This research used analytical design and used cross-sectional methodhe approach. Population taken from patient who coming tho the doctors PPK 1. Samples is selected with technique sampling consecutive as many as 106 people. Instrument of research by using questionaire. There is two variable measured that is independent variable satisfacion and variable dependent interest of patient on doctor servicing PPK 1. Results of this research indicates that satisfaction with satisfied category as many as 41,5% and interest of patient on doctor service PPK 1 category as very high 79,2%. The results of cross tabulation of almost half of the patients were satisfied satisfaction can give patient interest on doctor servicing PPK 1 as many as 39,6%. From test analysis ordinal regeresi got result of p-value = 0,000, a =0.05, because result of significance smaller than significance level (0.05) means HO is refused, H1 is received. As for the indicator of the patient satisfaction are expertise of employee, responsiveness, guarantee, physical evidence and empathy. And an indicator of patient interest is interest treatment to back, give information to others, the first choice, saying positive thing and recommend to choose. By provide good service to the patient it will give interest to treatment back.
机译:作为卫生服务作为卫生服务的卫生服务,该卫生服务的第一个阶层负责进行个人健康努力和社会卫生努力的仍然很少。优质的服务将为患者提供满意和兴趣。这次重建旨在分析医疗保健和社会保障机构Kediri的医生服务医疗保健提供者患者的患者满意度和兴趣。本研究采用了分析设计和使用的横截面方法。从医生PPK的患者中取自患者的人口1.使用技术采样连续多达106人来选择样品。使用问卷研究仪器。有两个变量测量,患者维护PPK的患者的独立变量,可变依赖性兴趣。该研究的结果表明,满意的类别满意为41,5%,患者对医生服务PPK 1类别的兴趣非常高79,2%。几乎一半患者的交叉表格的结果满意满意,可以给予维护PPK 1的患者患者,多达39,6%。从测试分析序数Regeresi得到P值= 0,000的结果,a = 0.05,因为显着性小于显着性水平的结果(0.05)表示HO被拒绝,接收H1。至于患者满意度的指标是员工的专业知识,响应性,担保,身体证据和同理化。并且患者兴趣的指标是令人利息治疗,向他人提供信息,首选,说积极的事情并建议选择。通过为患者提供良好的服务,它将给予治疗兴趣。



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