首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Education, Language, Art and Inter-cultural Communication >Foreignization and its Contributions to the Translation of Weapons, Magic and Spells in W.J.F Jenner's Version of Journey to the West

Foreignization and its Contributions to the Translation of Weapons, Magic and Spells in W.J.F Jenner's Version of Journey to the West

机译:异化及其对W.J.F Jenner的武器,魔术和法术翻译的贡献



Weapons, magic and spells in Journey to the West not only play a crucial part in immortal-and-demon fights but also contain profound culture connotations which pose great difficulty to non-Chinese readers. This paper, by analyzing Jenner's English translation on weapons, magic and spells from the perspective of translation strategies, finds out that foreignization is the main means to deal with such alien items and cultural barriers alongside, thus facilitating the dissemination of Chinese culture into English-speaking countries and areas.
机译:西方之旅的武器,魔法和法术不仅在不朽和恶魔战斗中扮演一个关键的部分,而且还含有深刻的文化内涵,这对非中国读者造成了很大的困难。本文从翻译策略的角度分析了Jenner的武器,魔法和法术中的英文翻译,发现异化是处理此类外星物品和文化障碍的主要手段,从而促进中国文化传播英语 - 讲的国家和地区。



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