
CATIA V5 Robust Design Method to Prevent Feature Failure

机译:CATIA V5强大的设计方法,可防止功能故障



Cross-modify are the main point of product designing. CATIA V5 software is widely used in automobile, aircraft and other fields. During using CATIA V5, it is a fatal problem for every designer to how to improve the efficiency of modification in the product designing and avoid feature failure. After long-term practice, robust design method is introduced in this paper to solve this problem. It is easy to modify the feature and remain association. It shortens the period of subsequent improvements effectively and provides the assurance for product updating.
机译:交叉修改是产品设计的主要点。 CATIA V5软件广泛用于汽车,飞机和其他领域。 在使用CATIA V5期间,每个设计人员如何提高产品设计中的修改效率并避免功能故障是一个致命的问题。 在长期实践之后,本文介绍了强大的设计方法来解决这个问题。 很容易修改功能并保持关联。 它缩短了随后的改进时间,并提供了产品更新的保证。



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