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Research on Non-English Majors' Interaction and English Learning in the Chinese EFL Classroom




This study examines the relationship between interaction and English learning in the Chinese classroom context and identifies how interactive approach may enhance English learning. Accordingly the aims designed are as follows: 1) to do the research about whether Chinese learners engage in appropriate meaning negotiations in English class and in which type of class they are more likely to engage in meaning negotiations; 2) to study whether interaction promotes learners' mastery of learning materials; 3) to identify whether the interactive approach is superior to the traditional teaching method in developing learners' overall English proficiency.
机译:本研究探讨了中文教室中互动与英语学习之间的关系,并确定了互动方法如何增强英语学习。 因此,设计的目标如下:1)研究中国学习者是否在英语课程中谈判适当的意义谈判以及他们更有可能从事意义谈判的课程; 2)研究互动是否促进学习者对学习资料的掌握; 3)确定互动方法是否优于发展学习者整体英语水平的传统教学方法。



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