首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Education, Sports, Arts, and Management Engineering >The ministering and flying status of angel: Analysis of the image of Mrs.Klima in The Farewell Waltz

The ministering and flying status of angel: Analysis of the image of Mrs.Klima in The Farewell Waltz




The text utilized feminism gaze theory in analysising Mrs. Klima, whose image reflected sleeping and awaking of female's self-consciousness under the oppression of patriarchy, vividly demonstrated Milan Kundera's ambivalent attitude toward women. The Farewell Waltz is one of the major works of Milan Kundera, it has won Italian Award for Best Foreign Literary. The novel took Soviet invasion of Prague as political background, through telling complicated stories of eight characters, philosophically disscussed complicated problems of life. Among these characters, Mrs.Klima is definitely an impressive one. Through the image of Kamila, Milan Kundera deeply described the sleeping and awaking process of female's self-consciousness under the oppression of patriarchy.
机译:该文本利用女权主义凝视理论在分析克里马夫人,其形象反映在父权制的压迫下对女性自我意识的睡眠和醒来,生动地证明了米兰·克德拉对妇女的矛盾态度。 Farewell Waltz是米兰Kundera的主要作品之一,它荣获意大利最佳外国文学奖。这部小说采用苏联入侵布拉格作为政治背景,通过讲述复杂的八个人物的故事,哲学上分离的生命中的复杂问题。在这些角色中,Klima夫人绝对是一个令人印象深刻的人。通过Kamila的形象,米兰·克德拉深深地描述了女性在父权制压迫下女性自我意识的睡眠和醒来的过程。



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