
A Survey on Adaptive Engine Technology for Serious Games




Serious games has become a priceless tool in learning because it can simulate abstract concept to appear more realistic. The problem faced is that the players have different abilities in playing games. This causes the players to become frustration if the game is too difficult or to get bored if it is too easy. Serious games have non-player character (NPC) in it. The NPC should be able to adapt to the players in such a way so that the players can feel comfortable in playing the games. Because of that, serious games development must involve an adaptive engine, which is by applying a learning machine that can adapt to different players. The development of adaptive engine can be viewed in terms of the frameworks and the algorithms. Frameworks include rules based, plan based, organization description based, proficiency of player based, and learning style and cognitive state based. Algorithms include agents based and non-agent based.
机译:严肃的游戏已成为学习的无价之宝,因为它可以模拟抽象概念看起来更加现实。面临的问题是玩家在玩游戏中有不同的能力。如果游戏太难或者如果太容易感到厌倦,这会导致玩家变得沮丧。严肃的游戏在其中有非球员人物(NPC)。 NPC应该能够以这样的方式适应玩家,以便玩家可以在玩游戏时感到舒服。因此,严肃的游戏开发必须涉及自适应发动机,这是通过应用可以适应不同玩家的学习机。可以根据框架和算法观察自适应发动机的开发。框架包括基于规则,基于计划的,基于播放器的熟练程度,基于播放器的熟练程度和基于认知状态。算法包括基于代理的药剂和基于非药剂。



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