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Towards Open Justice: ICT acceptance in the Greek justice system - The case of the Integrated Court Management System for Penal and Civil Procedures (OSDDY/PP)

机译:走向公开司法:ICT在希腊司法系统中接受 - 刑事和民事诉讼综合法院管理系统的情况(OSDDY / PP)



The Greek Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights (MoJTHR) has committed itself through the country's third Open Government Partnership Action Plan to significantly improve access to court data and documents. To achieve this, while simultaneously streamlining operating processes, it has adopted a new Integrated Court Management System for Penal and Civil procedures (OSDDY/PP), the first such ICT system to be introduced in Greece. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was used in an effort to explore judges' and court officials' intent to work with the OSDDY/PP ICT system, as well as any possible differences in the degree of acceptance between the two user groups. The research sample consisted of 101 judges (N=56) and court officials (N=45). The study presents the usage patterns for judges and court officials of current ICT in courts as well as the acceptance, degree of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and user intent to work with the new OSDDY/PP system. The results also highlight the sample's perceived benefits and risks in using the new ICT system.
机译:希腊司法部,透明度和人权部(Mojthr)通过该国的第三次开放政府伙伴关系计划致力于大大改善法院数据和文件的获取。为实现这一目标,同时简化操作流程,它采用了新的刑事和民事诉讼(OSDDY / PP)的新综合法院管理系统,这是在希腊引入的第一个此类ICT系统。技术验收模型(TAM)用于探索法官“和法院官员”意图与OSDDY / PP ICT系统一起工作,以及两个用户组之间的接受程度的任何可能差异。研究样本由101名法官(n = 56)和法院官员组成(n = 45)。该研究提出了法院法官和法院官员的使用模式,以及在法院的接受,感知的有用程度,感知易用性和用户意图与新的OSDDY / PP系统的验证。结果还突出了使用新ICT系统的样本的感知益处和风险。



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