
Two-Hop-Based Geographic Opportunistic Routing in WSNs




Existing work Geographic opportunistic routing (GOR) selects a forwarding sensor node to progress data packets on the basis of geographic distance. Similarly, the multipath routing uses multiple paths to achieve both reliability and delay. However, geographic opportunistic routing results in lower packet delivery rate and high latency. The multipath routing introduces channel contention, interference, and quick depletion of energy of the sensor node in an asymmetric link wireless environment. The existing work Efficient QoS-aware Geographic Opportunistic Routing (EQGOR) elects and prioritize the forwarding nodes to achieve different QoS parameters. However, in EQGOR, the count of forwarding nodes increases with the increase in the required reliability. To improve energy efficiency, delay, and successful ratio of packet delivery in WSNs, we propose a Two-Hop Geographic Opportunistic Routing (THGOR) protocol that selects a subset of 2-hop neighbors of node which has high packet reception ratio and residual energy at the next forwarder node, and the selected 1-hop neighbors of node has supreme coverage of 2-hop neighbors as relay nodes. THGOR is comprehensively evaluated through ns-2 simulator and compared with existing protocols EQGOR and GOR. Simulation results show that THGOR significant improvement in packet advancement, delay, reliable transmission, and energy efficient.



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