首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Materials Engineering and Information Technology Applications >DFT/TDDFT studies of electronic structures and spectral properties of Cu(I) complexes containing pyridine-imidazole ligand tethered with fluorene moiety

DFT/TDDFT studies of electronic structures and spectral properties of Cu(I) complexes containing pyridine-imidazole ligand tethered with fluorene moiety

机译:含有吡啶-Imidazole配体的Cu(I)络合物的电子结构和光谱性能的DFT / TDDFT研究与芴部分拴系



Copper (I) complexes have received significant attention because of their potential applications in a broad range of fields, including organic light emitting diodes (OLED), bioimages, sensors, and photocatalysis. A Cu(I) complexes, [Cu(POP){(Py-Imidazole)(CH_2)_2(2-Fluorene)]~+ (1), where Py-Imidazole)(CH_2)_2(2-Fluorene) = 5-(2-(9H-fluoren-2-yl)ethyl)-2-(1H-imidazol-2-yl) pyridine, POP= bis[2-diphenylphosphino]-phenyl]ether, was investigated using density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). The optimized ground structures show that the fluorene ring is parallel to the imidazole ring. The HOMO is π character, while the LUMO is π~* orbitals of the Py-imidazole ligands. The lowest lying absorption band of the complexes has the HOMO-1 → LUMO transition configurations resulting in the MLCT/LLCT characters.
机译:铜(I)复合物由于其潜在的应用在广泛的领域,包括有机发光二极管(OLED),生物显镜,传感器和光催化而受到显着的关注。 Cu(I)配合物,[Cu(Pop){(py-咪唑)(CH_2)_2(2-芴)]〜+(1),其中py-咪唑)(CH_2)_2(2-芴)= 5 - (2-(9h-氟化丁烯-2-基)乙基)-2-(1H-咪唑-2-基)吡啶,使用密度函数理论研究了Pop =双[2-二苯基膦基] -phenyl]乙醚(DFT )和时间依赖的密度泛函理论(TDDFT)。优化的地面结构表明芴环平行于咪唑环。 HOMO是π特征,而LUMO是PY-咪唑配体的π〜*轨道。复合物的最低躺线吸收带具有MIDO-1→LMO转换配置,导致MLCT / LLCT字符。



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