首页> 外文会议>Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry :the Nature and Sources of Historical Change. >Introduction to 'On attitudes toward philosophy and psychology in German psychiatry, 1867-1917'

Introduction to 'On attitudes toward philosophy and psychology in German psychiatry, 1867-1917'

机译:“关于德国精神病学的哲学与心理态度的概论,1867 - 1917”



I seek here to illustrate continuity in the issues Engstrom illustrates in Chapter 17 about the career of Kraepelin in the late nineteenth century (with some attention also to that of Ziehen) and those that currently confront psychiatry early in the twenty-first century. In particular, I want to contextualize this chapter within the framework of what is arguably the most central of historical debates within psychiatry-the degree to which we view ourselves as a medical specialty focused on the brain versus on the mind.
机译:我在这里寻求说明在第十九世纪末(Ziehen)的Kraepelin的职业中,ENGSTROM的连续性说明了ENGSTROM在第17章中说明了(ZIEHEN的一些人)以及目前在二十一世纪早期面临精神病学的人。特别是,我想在精神病学博物中最受欢迎的历史辩论中的框架内容上形成本章 - 我们认为自己是专注于大脑与心灵的医学专业的程度。



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