首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Arts, Design and Contemporary Education >Removing the Mediocrity of Art: Understanding the Relationship Between Heidegger's 'Artistic Work and People'

Removing the Mediocrity of Art: Understanding the Relationship Between Heidegger's 'Artistic Work and People'




According to Heidegger, it is the momentum of artistic work - the "That" of the created being that removes people from mediocrity and pushes them into the historic suspense where they coexist with the essence of truth. This paper discusses the mediocre presence form of human faced with artistic works through the way that "people understand things" in the Origin of the Work of Art. It analyzes the object being, work being and created being taking "knowing" as the clue and explores how people remove the mediocrity of "art". Reflecting on and criticizing the relationship between art works and people, this paper points out the mediocrity of art that lacks the action of thinking, blindly obeying words and being superficial to experience makes people lose the possibility of resonating with the flow of accumulation and the enlightening and shining of truth.
机译:根据海德格尔的说法,它是艺术作品的势头 - 所创造的“那个”的动力消除了来自平庸的人,将他们推入他们共存的真实本质的历史悬念。本文讨论了艺术作品面临的人类的平庸存在形式,通过“人们了解”在艺术作品的起源的方式。它分析了对象,工作,并创造了“知道”作为线索,探索人们如何消除“艺术”的平庸。反思艺术作品与人民之间的关系,本文指出了缺乏思维行为的艺术的平庸,盲目遵守言语并肤浅的经历使人们失去了积累的积累流动和启发的可能性和闪耀真理。



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