首页> 外文会议>Hydrovision International Conference and Exhibition >A New Beginning – Right Processes, Right Skills, Right People Mighty River Power’s Hydro Reinvestment Programme.

A New Beginning – Right Processes, Right Skills, Right People Mighty River Power’s Hydro Reinvestment Programme.

机译:一个新的开始 - 正确的流程,正确的技能,正确的人强大的河流力量的水力再投资计划。



Hydro power plant equipment is typically characterised by robust long life assets. Mighty River Power’s hydro asset fleet has a typical operational age of around 50 years, numerous pieces of major plant are now exhibiting end of life characteristics indicating that planning needs to commence for their replacement. In 2010 Mighty River Power’s asset Management Plan and annual report indicated major reinvestment in the hydro scheme would be undertaken, we were looking to re-invest higher than average capital expenditure over the next decade. This paper discusses Mighty River Power Hydro business’ journey from being predominantly an operator, maintainer, into an operator, maintainer with a significant capital programme involving turbine, generator, excitation, and governor replacement works. This paper focuses upon the procedural, cultural, structural and governance shift required in order to prepare for major capital re-investment projects.
机译:水力发电厂设备的特点是强大的寿命资产。 强大的River Power的水电资产舰队有一个典型的运作龄50岁,众多主要植物现在表现出终身特征,表明规划需要开始替代。 2010年强大的河流力量的资产管理计划和年度报告显示了水电计划的重量再投资将进行,我们希望在未来十年内重新投资高于平均资本支出。 本文讨论了强大的河流电力水力发生业务“从主要是运营商,维护者,涉及涉及涡轮机,发电机,励磁和调速器的重要资本计划的维护者。 本文重点介绍所需的程序,文化,结构和治理,以便为主要资本重新投资项目做准备。



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