首页> 外文会议>European Powder Metallurgy Congress Exhibition >Processing and Properties of AISI 420 MIM Parts Manufactured via Prealloy and Master Alloy Routes

Processing and Properties of AISI 420 MIM Parts Manufactured via Prealloy and Master Alloy Routes

机译:通过PRELOY和Master Alloy路线制造的AISI 420 MIM部件的加工和性能



AISI 420, a hardenable martensitic stainless steel, offers an attractive combination of high hardness and wear resistance coupled with moderate corrosion resistance. These characteristics mean that the alloy is a popular choice for a wide range of MIM applications including automotive components, power tools and surgical instruments. It is, however, a difficult material to process successfully via MIM as the sintering process must be controlled over a relatively narrow temperature range in order to achieve adequate and consistent properties. In this study, we compare the processing and properties of AISI 420 parts made using gas atomised prealloy powders over a range of particle sizes as well as parts made using a 4x concentration master alloy blended with carbonyl iron powder. The differences in densification behaviour are evaluated for each raw material mix over a range of sintering temperatures. Microstructure - property relationships are presented with respect to tensile properties and hardness in both the as sintered and heat treated conditions.
机译:AISI 420 AISI 420淬火马氏体不锈钢,具有高硬度和耐磨性的有吸引力的组合,耐耐腐蚀性。这些特性意味着合金是各种MIM应用的流行选择,包括汽车部件,电动工具和外科手术器械。然而,由于必须在相对较窄的温度范围内控制通过MIM成功地处理的难以通过MIM进行处理,以达到足够的性能和一致的性能。在本研究中,我们比较AISI 420零件的加工和性质在一系列粒度和使用4倍浓度母合金与羰基铁粉混合的零件制成的零件中使用的颗粒尺寸。针对各种烧结温度的每个原料混合评估致密化行为的差异。在作为烧结和热处理条件下的拉伸性能和硬度呈现微观结构 - 性质关系。



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