首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing : Theory and Applications >Hopfield Network Based Neural Key Generation for Wireless Communication (HNBNKG)

Hopfield Network Based Neural Key Generation for Wireless Communication (HNBNKG)




In this paper, a key generation and encryption/decryption technique based on Hopfield Neural network has been proposed for wireless communication. Hopfield Neural networks at both ends forms identical input vector, weight vector which in turn produces identical output vector which is used for forming secret-key for encryption/decryption. Using this secret-key, plain text is encrypted to form the cipher text. Encryption is performed by Exclusive-OR operation between plaintext and secret-key. Decryption is performed at the receiver through Exclusive-OR operation between cipher text and identical secret-key generated. Receiver regenerate the original message sent by the sender as encrypted stream. In HNBNKG technique sender and receiver never exchange secret-key. This technique ensured that, when message is transmitting between sender-receiver nobody can regenerate the message as no key is exchanged.
机译:本文已经提出了一种基于Hopfield神经网络的密钥生成和加密/解密技术进行无线通信。 Hopfield在两端的神经网络形成相同的输入向量,又产生相同的输出矢量,该输出矢量用于形成加密/解密的秘密密钥。 使用此秘密密钥,纯文本被加密以形成密文。 通过明文和秘密密钥之间的独占或操作来执行加密。 通过密文和生成相同的秘密密钥之间的排他性或操作在接收器处执行解密。 接收器重新生成发件人发送的原始消息作为加密流。 在HNBNKG技术发件人和接收器中从不交换密钥。 这种技术确保了,当消息在发送者 - 接收器之间传输时,没有人可以重新生成消息,因为没有键交换。



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